Borja Requena

Hello there!

I’m Borja, an engineering physicist with a taste for computation. I’m currently doing my PhD at ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences, where I develop machine learning algorithms to tackle problems in quantum and statistical physics.

In my projects, I lean towards the computational side. I love coding and I take great pleasure when things work optimally. Although it is even better when they are also understandable! Therefore, I like to provide my projects and publications with structured code libraries to reproduce my results and, hopefully, provide the reader with a better understanding about the matter.

Besides computation, I also like the geeky side of computers. I’ve spent more time than I would like to admit gaming and learning how to build my own computers. I also enjoy life outdoors, though! I love climbing and skiing :D


2024 expected - PhD in Machine learning for physics
   ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences
2018 - MSc in Intelligent Interactive Systems
   UPF - Pompeu Fabra University
2017 - BSc in Engineering Physics
   UPC BarcelonaTech - Polytechnic University of Catalonia


I’m on a bit of a wild ride going from industry to academia and combining pure machine learning and science.

2019 - Present – PhD Student
   ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences
2019 – Research stay
   QMUL - Queen Mary University of London & Tooso Inc
   Industrial collaboration that lead to this paper and the
   posterior acquisition of Tooso by Coveo.
2018 – Research Intern
   Telefonica R&D
   I developed the infrastructure to start a research line in
   brain-computer interface.
2016-2017 – Research fellow (two INIREC grants)
   UPC BarcelonaTech & Banco Santander
   I studied the electromagnetic properties of sensitive plants
   to develop brain imaging techniques.


I really enjoy teaching and I try to do it as much as I can.